The guidelines below are for general anesthesia cases. However, if you are scheduled for local anesthesia, these guidelines should also be followed unless otherwise directed by your physician or Springhill Surgery Center staff.
- Any special lab work or X-rays necessary for your procedure will be arranged by your physician prior to the date of your procedure.
- If you have an infection, fever or noticeable change in your health since your last office visit, inform your doctor before you arrive at Springhill Surgery Center.
- Eat a light supper on the day before your procedure.
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT. (This includes candy, water, coffee, chewing gum, etc.) If you eat or drink anything, your procedure will be cancelled and rescheduled. Prescription medications authorized by your physician may be taken with a small sip of water.
- Follow all specific instructions given by your physician. (Exception: patients taking a bowel prep).
- If possible, refrain from using any form of tobacco at least 24 hour prior to procedure.
- A family member or friend must accompany you to and from the surgery center. YOU MAY NOT DRIVE AFTER YOUR PROCEDURE. Public transportation should not be used.
- Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to change into after you procedure. Depending on the type of procedure, you may be allowed to leave on your socks and underpants.
- All valuables should be left at home.
- Contact lenses may not be worn. Please bring your lens case.
- Children may bring a favorite toy or blanket.
- Remove all make-up, false eyelashes and fingernail polish.
- Bring a list of the medications you are currently taking.
- Bring your insurance/Medicare/Medicaid card with you, even if you have already provided this information by phone.
- Your condition will be closely monitored by staff professionals.
- When you can move about, you will be allowed to sit up and visit with a family member or friend.
- You will remain in Recovery until your physician or anesthesiologist feels you are able to be discharged.
- In the unlikely event that your physician feels extended care is needed, provisions can be made to arrange overnight care in a local hospital of your choice.
- You will be required to have someone stay with you for 24hrs. after your procedure.
- Specific instructions prepared by your physician will be sent home with you.
- DO NOT drive or operate machinery.
- DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages.
- Closely follow your physician’s instructions after your procedure.
- If you have any questions about your procedure, please call your personal physician for details.